Octubre de 2015, 01-31.10.2014, una exhibición grupal con
Ezequiel Azambuya, Galería Ruth Benzacar, Gala Berger, Martín Bernstein, Andrés Brück,
Fango, Javier González Tuñón, Joaquín Gutiérrez Hadid, Mason Lindroth, Alejo Ponce de León,
Pablo Reche y Nicolás Sarmiento en Galería Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, crossing tranversally the gallerys space Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, seen from a point of view close to the floor, from one of the end of the line of the four tube-like sculptures Sculpture installation previously described but now seen a bit from above from one of the ends of the line of tube-like sculptures Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of two of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of two of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of only one of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, seen a bit far away from on the extreme points of the line, the picture has a touch of flashlight

Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically, detail of one of them, installed separately, where a set of posters from the gallery hanged from a metal board Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of two of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of two of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of three of them together, the show in general had a dimmed light set up Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of only one of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of two of them, the photo has a touch a touch of flashlight look Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of only one of them, a blue grey marble like look can be visible partially from the drawings Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, detail of two of them Sculpture installation where a series of drawings are rolled up between two polycarbonate sheets, creating a tube like shape standing vertically and aligned in a line, crossing tranversally the gallerys space, seen from the opposite side of the line of tube like sculptures

Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is touching the ground, and some some details of how a simple rope supports the polycarbonate sheets to mantain their form Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is touching the ground, a diagonal thick line of ink from an A4 drawing is visible Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is touching the ground, a thick net of ink lines on a yellowish watercolor background, from an A4 drawing, is visible Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, like a dark void in this case, refering to the drawing installes separately closed the gallerys office Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, a magnet and various layers of watercolor drawings are visible Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, another magnet and various layers of watercolor drawings are visible Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, a watercolor drawing is visible inside, a bit yellow-green, the only tube that had only one drawing in itself Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, various layers of watercolor drawings are visible and a small calendar with a puppy picture is hanging there, in between the drawings Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, various layers of watercolor drawings are visible and a small calendar with a puppy picture is hanging there, in between the drawings Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, a yellowish tube like void is visible reaching the floor Detailes of one the sculptures, some layers of watercolor drawings are visible, blue, black and grey color from a packaging paper, is the palette of this one Detail of how the tube like sculpture containing drawings is looking from inside, a magnet and various layers of watercolor drawings are visible

"Tubo Semiluminoso 1-5".

Técnica mixta sobre papel, plancha de policarbonato, cable, cuerda, calendario-propaganda de un negocio, imanes de neodimio.
120 cm. de altura cada uno, diametro variable.

Foto: Martín Pisotti.

Detail of the sculpture installed close to the gallerys office and attached to the flyers board, on a low lght scene Installation view, from behind the glass door from the gallery Installation view, the most frontal one from all the batch of pictures Installation view, the tube like sculptures seen from their side, detail Installation view, the tube like sculptures seen from their side, detail

View from only one of the sculptures, 120 height, variable diameter View from only one of the sculptures, other side from the previous pic, 120 height, variable diameter Detail from only one of the sculptures, same as the previous pic, 120 height, variable diameter Detail from only one of the sculptures, same as the previous pic, 120 height, variable diameter Detail from only one of the sculptures, same as the previous pic, 120 height, variable diameter Detail from the installation, a gray dove sticker saying argentina on a column, from the show, has certain similitude to the sculpture seen in the background

"Tubo Semiluminoso 1-5".

Técnica mixta sobre papel, plancha de policarbonato, cable, cuerda, calendario-propaganda de un negocio, imanes de neodimio.
120 cm. de altura cada uno, diametro variable.

Foto: Javier Gonzalez Tuñon.

Installation view from one of the sculpture, close to the sculpture from Ezequiel Arambuya that consists from a desktop computer on a pedestal in front of an empty canvas, to show a bit of how the works were seen beside each other Installation view from one of the sculpture, close to an a4 sign saying Siga el Azul (Follow the blue) from Gala Berger

Vistas de la instalación, al lado de los trabajos de Ezequiel Azambuya y Gala Berger.

Foto: Prensa de Ruth Benzacar Galería.

Texto e info de la exhibición.

martin legon review, otra parte magazine

Octubre de 2015, reseña online en la revista Otra Parte, por Martín Legón.

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